Corporate Overview 公司背景

YJF Health Management Pte Ltd was established on November 18, 2019. The company’s main projects include health consultation, health education, and wholesale and retail of health products.

The meaning of YJF is: to be your queen health manager (called “the royal doctor” in ancient times), providing you a king-like experience. YJF stands for Youth Joy Fitness. Develop a set of suitable personalized health management programs based on personal physical characteristics to fundamentally solve your health problems, therefore obtain comprehensive and lasting health.


御健坊的含义是:做您的御用健康管理师(古代称“御医”),让您有君王般的体验。英文缩写YJF 分别代表 Youth Joy Fitness. 针对个人体质特征制定一套适合的个性化健康管理方案,从根本上解决健康问题,获得全面持久的健康。

Vision 使命

Carry forward Chinese traditional culture and enhance the quality of human life.


Mission 愿景

Become a well-known brand in the world health field based in Singapore.


Value 价值观

Harmony between man and nature, the law is natural, self-interested, altruistic, and virtuous in the world.
Based on the tenet of “Natural, Healthy, Green and Environmental”, the company recommends products and services that conform to the company’s philosophy for customers to obtain a healthy and beautiful life.

天人合一 道法自然 自利利他 德行天下。

Founder of YJF 御健坊创办人

Raelle Ding Ran 丁伊然

国际注册营养师 | 国际NLP执行师

Born in a family of imperial physicians, she has been fascinated by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) health care since she was young, and has been engaged in health care for more than 18 years. She has combined Nutritional Science with TCM health care, NLP (neurolinguistics) technology, music therapy, Qigong, etc., and explored a unique set of health management methods, the significant effect is well received by customers.

She has also been invited to many countries and regions such as China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Cambodia, Italy, United States and etc for exchanges and lectures in Nutritional Science, Naturopathy and Preventive Healthcare.

In 2019, based on the concept of “self-interest, altruism, and virtue in the world”, she co-founded YJF with Peh Wee Sien, hoping to help more individuals and families obtain the correct concept of good health preservation, scientific health knowledge and health guidance through their accumulated knowledge and experience over the years, and eventually gain a high-quality and healthy new life.







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