
Esperanza Na Josefsson (Soorya Basan Kaur) 杭恺蔚,在家人的影响下,从小就对瑜伽有浓厚感情。在一个奇迹般的巧合下,她在昆达里尼瑜伽中体验和见证到这这系列瑜伽对她自己、家人和其他瑜伽士的身体和心理健康都有明显的正面影响。至此就对昆达里尼瑜伽结缘下了不解之缘,之后还离开了工程师职位在瑞典专心教导瑜伽和心灵绘画。

2020年,她获得了昆达里尼研究所的国际教师证书。从那以后,她一直在欧洲和美国领导班级。2022年取得医学瑜伽教练证书。医学瑜伽(Medicine Yoga) 对人体结构和系统有更深入的了解,e能够更正确的指导学员们合适的瑜伽姿势。她还将在亚洲国家领导昆德里尼瑜伽、医学瑜伽、阴瑜伽、阿斯汤加瑜伽、哈他瑜伽、瑜伽放松术和吠陀艺术(一种艺术疗法)课程。

Esperanza Ng Josefsson (Soorya Basan Kaur), under the influence of her family, has had a strong affection for yoga since he was a child. By a miraculous coincidence, she experienced and witnessed in Kundalini Yoga that this series of yoga had a significant positive impact on the physical and mental health on herself, her family, and other yogis. At this point, she has became inseparable from Kundalini Yoga, and later she left my job as an engineering project specialist to concentrate on teaching yoga and Vedic Art (a type of art therapy) coaching in Sweden.

In 2020, she received her International Teaching Certificate from the Kundalini Institute. Since then she has been leading classes in Europe and the United States. Obtain a medical
voga instructor certificate in 2022. Medical Yoga has a deeper understanding of the structure and system of the human body, and can more accurately guide students in appropriate yoga
postures. She also lead classes in Kundalini Yoga, Medical Yoga, Yin Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Yoga Nidra and Vedic Art in Asian countries.





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